I need help with backhand topspin

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 12 years ago

Andrej Bajt

Andrej Bajt Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

I really need help with my backhand topspin cause I am not good at it.  I have great forehand topspin and everybody in school knows that and they also know that I cant play backhand because I hold my thumb and my point finger in letter V so they all hit the ball in my left side of the table knowing that i cant attack or barely return the ball.When they hit the ball on the left side I jump around the table like little monkey struggling to return the ball with my forehand.So please give me all of your advice's and videos for backhand so I can learn it.

Thanks,you are the best!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Andrej,

The first thing to do is to start to work on your backhand in training.  It will take a little time to get better but it is something that you need to do to be a better player.  It is really difficult to play all forehands during a match.

Start by getting your feet into a position where you will be able to play both forehand and backhand.  At the moment you probably have your left foot closer to the table than your right.  Try to even this out a little so that your left and right are similar distances from the table or you can have your left slightly closer.  This will put you into a better position to play some backhands.

Then just work on your technique.  Look through all of our lesson on the Video Lessons page of our website.  There are quite a few there covering the different types of backhands that you can play.  Work on each of these over the next few months and see if you develop more confidence in your backhand.  It will save your legs having to do so much work.

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Andrej Bajt

Andrej Bajt Posted 12 years ago

Ok thank you soooo much Alois!!

adrian george

adrian george Posted 12 years ago

good explanation!

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