Hardest TT Tournament

Table Tennis Discussion

Last updated 12 years ago

Cloud Cledera

Cloud Cledera Asked 12 years ago

Hi guys,

I'd like to ask you what is the hardest table tennis competition of all time? Would it be WTTC, WTTTC, Private Open, Normal Open, Superleague, Olympic Qualification, Circuit, Junior Circuit, or the Olympics? Its my research report actually. Thanks!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Cloud,

Interesting discussion point.

I think the hardest tournament to win is the World Championships because there s a bigger field and the field doesn't have as many limitations as the Olympics.  For one, you can have more players from the one country in the draw and in these times that means more of the Chinese players which strengthens the field.

However, I think that now the Olympics is the most prestigious event.

What are your thoughts?

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Cloud Cledera

Cloud Cledera Posted 12 years ago

Well, you do have a point, as I knew from a friend that Waldner was interviewed which one was really the hardest, and it was really WTTC. WTTC is in fact the hardest for real, because all of the greatest players around the world compete for each other, no teaming, unless its doubles. Olympics may be a prestigious event for today, but it only drains about 2 or 3 candidates per country, especially not all countries will participate against. I might say the easiest though, would be the WTTTC, because you can't fight against your own teammate and the scores are built by team scores. Thanks anyways!

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