Ball position/timing for forehand loop stroke

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 5 years ago

Rob van Nobelen

Rob van Nobelen Asked 5 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have been practicing my forehand topspin loop. I think I often hit the ball when it is about 45 degrees out to the right of me (too keen to hit it!). When watching top players on Youtube they seem to hit it when it's almost past them, e.g. about 90 degrees to their right side. What is the correct location for the ball to be for this stroke, or does it depend on other factors?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Rob,

You can vary the position and timing of the stroke.  For more control you can wait a little longe than you are.  Even though the ball is more at 90 degrees to their bodies you will notice that they are turning their waist so that they are still facing the ball when they contact it.

The earlier you hit the ball the less time you are giving the other player.  The later you hit the ball the more time you are giving yourself to see the ball.

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