When and how to play shots with sharp angles

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 10 years ago

Sander Sonajalg

Sander Sonajalg Asked 10 years ago

Some opponents are very effectively using shots with a very sharp angle onto the side of the table to get me off the position for next shot. I wonder if that's because my previous shot has been to weak to let them do that, and in what situation I could use that myself? Are short backhand pushes maybe something that could be smart to answer with a slower but very carefully directed shot going onto one side with a sharp angle? Probably impossible/too risky to use when answering a stronger topspin shot?

Thanks & greetings from Estonia :)


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Sander,

To stop them from getting the angles the best thing is to keep the ball deep on their end of the table.  If you play the ball close to the net they will be able to get the ball wide to you.

So if your opponent gives you a ball closer to the net you can try to play wider.

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Thoughts on this question

Sander Sonajalg

Sander Sonajalg Posted 10 years ago

Thanks a lot Alois! I was just kind-of practicing getting the ball back with a low and short push so that it couldn't be looped back to me so easily. Seems like short strokes have their weaknesses as well : )


Ayesha Noon

Ayesha Noon Posted 10 years ago

So you're saying that if they are playing close to the net you should give them a deep return and if they are playing far away from the table you should give them a short return?

Ayesha Noon

Ayesha Noon Posted 10 years ago

Please answer

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

You are talking about depth not width of placement.

Ayesha Noon

Ayesha Noon Posted 10 years ago

Oh. I thought those were the same thing.

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